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Total Results: 2

A comprehensive, evidence-based gam plan of interview and interrogation that is designed to create a slight edge in every aspect of educing information from victims, witnesses, and suspects. Clearly defines the legal landscape of interrogation, creates critical advantages by developing cognitive interviewing skills and perfects the art of persuasion skills withing interrogation.

Explores basic concepts which help build a professional police report and concepts of thoroughly documenting use of force in a report. Concepts include: identifying the purpose of the report, how to get started, professional writing strategies and tips, key details to include paint the picture, anticipating possible defenses to your case and addressing them in the report, organizational strategies, proper use of quotes, how to conclude the report, and exploring examples of domestic, OWI, and other types of reports. Use of Force reports will also be explored as these reports are critical to successfully defending against improper use of force in a report.