
Specialized Training
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Total Results: 3

Describes and performs the duties and responsibilities of a fire officer who instructs in a formal capacity. The student will develop learning objectives and a lesson plan; deliver a 30-minute classroom presentation; develop an exam; and develop a course evaluation instrument of a certified fire service instructor. Completion of Firefighter II Certification required.

This 40 hour course, based on the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 921, Guide for Fire and Explosion Investigation, addresses the technical and scientific knowledge and skills needed to conduct successful fire/arson investigations. Using a combination of classroom and practical exercises, successful methods are demonstrated for conducting science-based fire investigations that culminate, when appropriate, in prosecution for arson. Upon completion of the course, the students will be equipped to identify the origin and cause of fire, conduct a technically and legally sound investigation, and pursue the case through the judicial system. This course will also qualify the student for the International Associate of Arson Investigators (IAAI) Fire Investigation Technician (FIT) certification. The course is designed to meet or exceed the application sections of NFPA 1033, Standard for Professional Qualifications of Fire Investigator.

Prepares candidates with the skills and abilities to develop individual lesson plans for a specific topic including learning objectives, instructional aids, and evaluation instruments; schedule training sessions based on the overall training plan of an AHJ; and supervise and coordinate the activities of other instructors. Designed to provide the Fire and Emergency Services Instructor II candidate with the information and skills needed to meet the job performance requirements (JPR’s) in National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1041, Standard for Fire and Emergency Services Instructor Professional Qualifications, 2019 Edition, Chapter 5.