Describes and performs the duties and responsibilities of a driver/operator-pumper on a fire department to include basic responsibilities, types of pump apparatus, apparatus inspection and maintenance, operating emergency vehicles, positioning apparatus, water supply and systems, nozzles and flow rates, theoretical and fireground calculations fire pump theory, operating pumps, relay and foam operations. Completion of Certified Firefighter I is required.
Describes and performs the duties and responsibilities of a driver/operator-pumper on a fire department to include basic responsibilities, types of pump apparatus, apparatus inspection and maintenance, operating emergency vehicles, and positioning apparatus. Completion of Certified Firefighter I required.
Designed for firefighter drivers of aerial ladder trucks. This is a certification course.
Describes and performs the duties and responsibilities of a driver/operator-pumper on a fire department to include water supply and systems, nozzles and flow rates, theoretical and fireground calculations fire pump theory, operating pumps, relay and foam operations. Completion of Certified D/O-Pumper-Part 1 required.
This course prepares the participant to perform fire inspection functions at a minimum nationally recognized level under general supervision. This course is designed to meet the job performance requirements (JPRs) defined in NFPA 1031- Standard for Professional Qualifications for Fire Inspector and Plan Examiner.
This course prepares the participant to perform firefighting supervisor functions at a minimum nationally recognized level.
Performs all duties of a firefighter as they pertain to fire behavior, personal safety, breathing apparatus, protective clothing, search and rescue, tools and equipment, hose lines, hose loads, structural firefighting, ladders, ladder rescue, forcible entry, ventilation, salvage and overhaul, live fire evolutions, fire extinguishers, ropes and knots, fire streams, communications, fire prevention, fire protection systems, and hazardous materials awareness.
Describes and performs the duties and responsibilities of a fire officer who instructs in a formal capacity. The student will develop learning objectives and a lesson plan; deliver a 30-minute classroom presentation; develop an exam; and develop a course evaluation instrument of a certified fire service instructor. Completion of Firefighter II Certification required.
Describes the basic operation of aerial apparatus, the types and construction of various aerial apparatus, and the equipment, controls and safe operation of the apparatus.
Introduces the student to the basic knowledge and skills necessary to perform fire apparatus driving and pumping duties.