
Communication Skills
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Total Results: 23

Provides the skills to effectively stand up for yourself. Learn to express your feelings, preferences and views, while at the same time respecting the opinions and rights of others. Leave the training with effective speaking and active listening skills that enable you to achieve your goals.

In this seminar, business professionals will explore how to navigate social settings to maximize relationship building and represent their brand and organization in the best possible way.

Explore how to implement successful communication strategies, establish expectations, foster workplace relationships and deal with non-collaborative behaviors.

Focus on understanding how one's attitude and communication affects people. Participants will work to understand the factors involved in identifying attitudes and developing communication techniques to improve attitudes and responses. Role-play and real-life work situations will be used.

Leaders, managers and frontline employees need to communicate effectively to get results. We offer one-on-one communication coaching services, which provide intensive, focused communication training. Our one-on-one sessions help each person face the facts and confront aspects of their own communication that may be creating barriers to success.

The Critical Core Communication Skills are workplace essential topics bundled into a series of modules ideal for employees at all levels. Each interactive session focuses on interpersonal, team, oral or written communication skills crucial to a collaborative and productive work environment. Modules can be offered as a single session or bundled into a customized training series. Review select workplace communication skills recommended by employers and request a consultation to discuss scheduling an on-site series at your organization. Skill modules address: Interpersonal Communication, Oral Communication, Team Communication, and Written Communication.

Effective leaders are able to communicate using words that motivate, influence and inspire. In this session, learn how to present information effectively and clearly. Understand the importance of knowing your audience and how to deliver messages that drive results.

Provides a brush-up on how to present information to groups including: audience analysis, focusing on purpose, delivery and the use of visual aids, answering questions and personal effectiveness. Critiquing is an integral part of the seminar.

Focuses on fundamental written communication in the workplace: letters, memos, business writing, grammar, reports, editing and proofreading, style and audience may all be included.

Effective communication increases productivity, reduces errors and creates an environment where people love their jobs.